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What the heck are microgreens?

Updated: May 22

Microgreens have been around since the 1980’s. I mean, probably earlier than that, but what I mean here is that they showed up commercially in the 80’s. They became really popular in upscale restaurants and eventually started finding their way to farmer’s markets and health food grocery stores. But, Sam, what ARE they? Even though they’ve been on the market for 40 years, I get that question ALL THE TIME!

So, let’s dive into the world of microgreens, those tiny but mighty superheroes destined for your fork! They are actually harvested in the second stage of plant growth. They start out the same way your grocery store broccoli does, as seeds. But, instead of letting them grow to maturity, farmers harvest them just 7-10 days after being planted and, because they’re grown indoors, they can be enjoyed YEAR ROUND!

These little guys may be small, but they pack a punch when it comes to nutrition. Imagine a tiny broccoli or radish green, no bigger than your pinky nail, bursting with more vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients than its fully-grown relatives. It’s like comparing a puppy to a wolf, except in this case, the puppy is the one with the superpowers! Who doesn’t love puppies?!?

Why Microgreens? You’ve probably seen microgreens before. They were likely dropped on top of a yummy entree in a nice restaurant and you may have even just pushed them aside. But, microgreens are not just a pretty garnish on your plate; they are nutritional powerhouses. They are the infants of the greens world, harvested just after the first leaves have developed. At this stage, studies have shown that they have a higher concentration of bioactive compounds like antioxidants, which are like the body’s personal team of health ninjas fighting off the bad guys—free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage to our cells.

The Stars of the Show: Broccoli & Radish Greens

Broccoli microgreens are like the Clark Kent of the vegetable world—mild-mannered but secretly super. They contain sulforaphane, a compound that has been studied for its potential to fight cancer and support heart health. Sulforaphane is found in your cruciferous vegetables but broccoli tops the charts in that family. Radish greens, on the other hand, are the spicy little rebels, adding a peppery kick to your dishes along with a healthy dose of vitamin C, carotene and lucine.

BONUS TIP: microgreens are reported by many to be easier on the gut. So if you’ve struggled with gas and discomfort with grocery store broccoli, but want the vitamins and like the flavor, look no further than microgreens!

Incorporating Microgreens into Your Daily Diet Now, let’s talk about how to sneak these little green ninjas into your meals without having to don a cape or mask. The key is to not heat them. When they get heated up, the good stuff breaks down! Here are three super easy ways to incorporate microgreens in your everyday diet:

  1. The Smooth(ie) Operator: Starting your day with a smoothie isn’t a new idea. With microgreens, gone are the days of just tossing massive handfuls of spinach or kale into the blender and hoping you can get enough in there. Toss in a handful of broccoli microgreens with some banana, pineapple, and a splash of your favorite nut milk. Blend it up, and voilà! You’ve got a green machine that’ll keep you running smoother than a spy on a mission.

  2. The Incognito Salad: Who says salads have to be boring? Throw together a mix of your favorite lettuces, add some cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and then hit it with a handful of radish microgreens. It’s like a salad in disguise, masquerading as an ordinary meal when it’s actually eating one of the healthiest food on the planet!

  3. The Undercover Sandwich: Take your lunch to the next level by layering some microgreens into your sandwich. They’ll blend in with the other ingredients, providing a nutritional boost without making a scene. It’s like having a bodyguard in your sandwich, protecting your health without anyone being the wiser.

So there you have it, folks—a peek into the exciting world of microgreens. They may be small, but they’re a big deal when it comes to health. By incorporating them into your diet, you’re not just eating your greens; you’re enlisting a tiny army of nutrients to keep you feeling great. So go ahead, give microgreens the spotlight they deserve, and make every meal a mini adventure in health!

Remember, it’s not the size of the green in the fight; it’s the size of the fight in the green. And these microgreens? They’re ready to rumble for your health.

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