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Microgreen Showcase: Sunflowers (Sunnies)

Updated: May 3

Learn how this microgreen is different from others from its flavor, health benefits and texture.

green stalks with small green leaves and round ends with a few small black sunflower hulls still clinging to random leaves
Sunflower Microgreens

Sunflower microgreens (Sunnies) are one of our favorite micros that we grow. Not only are they good for us, but they have a unique nutty flavor and add just the right amount of crunch to any sandwich. Keep reading to learn more about this showstopper.

What are sunflower microgreens?

Sunnies are young sunflower plants that are harvested when they are about two inches tall and before the first set of true leaves get very big. They have a crunchy texture and a nutty, slightly sweet taste. They are one of the most popular types of microgreens, which are edible plants that are harvested at an early stage of growth.

How are sunnies good for you?

Sunnies are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and protein. They contain high amounts of vitamin E, which is essential for healthy skin, hair, and immune system. They also have vitamin B6, which helps with metabolism and brain function. They are a good source of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, which are important for blood, bones, muscles, and nerves. They have more protein than most other microgreens, with about 20% of their dry weight being protein. They also have chlorophyll, which helps with detoxification and oxygenation of the blood.

But that's not all. They are also super tasty and fun to eat. They can make any dish more exciting and delicious. Read on to find out how.

How do sunnies taste?

Sunnies have a mild, nutty, and slightly sweet flavor. They are crunchy and juicy, and add a fresh and lively touch to any dish. They pair well with citrus, cheese, nuts, and herbs. They can also balance out spicy, salty, or sour flavors.

Whether you want to add some crunch to your salad, some nuttiness to your smoothie, or some color to your eggs, sunflower microgreens are the perfect choice. They are like little bursts of sunshine in your mouth.

How can you use sunnies at home?

Sunnies are versatile and easy to use. You can enjoy them raw or lightly cooked, as a garnish or a main ingredient. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Add them to your salads, sandwiches, wraps, or burgers for extra crunch and nutrition.

  • Blend them into your smoothies, juices, or garnish soups for a boost of green goodness. They will also make your soups more hearty and satisfying.

  • Sprinkle them over your eggs, omelets, or quiches for a burst of flavor and color.

  • Toss them with your pasta, rice, or quinoa dishes for a nutty and fresh twist.

  • Stir-fry them with your favorite vegetables, meat, or tofu for a quick and easy meal.

How have you used sunnies? We'd love to hear about your experience with sunflower microgreens.

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