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Embracing Sustainability: Our Farm Practices

At our farm, sustainability isn't just a buzzword—it's a core principle that guides every aspect of our operations, along with integrity and service. From the materials we use to the methods we employ, we are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint while producing the highest quality food for our family and community. Here’s a closer look at how we practice sustainability on our farm.

Coco Coir

We start with the foundation of our microgreens growing medium: certified organic coco coir. This eco-friendly alternative to peat moss is not only renewable but also helps in retaining moisture and providing excellent aeration for our microgreens. By choosing organic coco coir, we ensure that our growing practices are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides, promoting healthier plants and soil.


Sustainability extends beyond the growing phase. After harvesting, we reuse our coco coir in our compost pile. This compost is then used to enrich our standard garden beds, creating a closed-loop system that recycles nutrients back into the soil. Composting not only reduces waste but also enhances soil health, promoting robust plant growth.

Durable, USA-Made Trays

Our microgreens are grown in sturdy trays made in the USA, designed to last for decades. These trays reduce the need for frequent replacements, cutting down on plastic waste and the environmental impact associated with manufacturing and shipping new trays. Investing in durable equipment is a key part of our commitment to sustainability.

BPI Certified Containers

When it comes to packaging, we use BPI certified containers that are 99% plant-based. These containers are commercially compostable, reducing the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills. But even when they land in the landfill, they break down to nothing in just a couple of months. By choosing plant-based packaging, we are helping prevent more microplastics from entering our environment.

Purchasing Supplies in Bulk

To minimize our carbon footprint, we purchase our seeds, and other supplies, in bulk. This reduces the number of deliveries needed to procure our supplies, cutting down on transportation emissions. Bulk purchasing also allows us to manage our inventory more efficiently, ensuring that we always have the seeds we need without excess waste.

Additional Sustainable Practices on the Farm

In addition to our core practices, we also embrace other sustainable farming methods commonly used by eco-conscious farms:

  • Crop Rotation: Rotating crops helps maintain soil fertility and reduces the risk of pests and diseases.

  • Cover Cropping: Planting cover crops protects the soil from erosion, improves soil structure, and adds organic matter.

  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Using natural predators and organic solutions to manage pests minimizes the need for chemical pesticides. When pesticides are needed, we only use organic options and opt for essential oils to help deter unwanted pests so that we don’t hurt our pollinator friends.

  • Water Conservation: Implementing efficient irrigation systems and rainwater harvesting reduces water usage and conserves this precious resource.

By integrating these sustainable practices, we strive to create a farm that not only produces delicious and nutritious microgreens, but also contributes positively to the environment. Our commitment to sustainability is a journey, and we are continually exploring new ways to improve and innovate. Thank you for supporting our mission to grow greener, healthier, and more sustainable food.

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